Everyone in the WBA knows that this can be a very relaxing league. We can take nine-year breaks and come back like we played yesterday, but sometimes, a flurry of movements makes the league fascinating again. Let’s see the week in review:


The Crying Game:

Some GMs started, once again, to call foul against the financial system of the league. The main issue would be the great difference between the budgets of big market teams. Brooklyn’s Budget is used as an example, but they don´t understand that winning teams have larger budgets.


Sharks running circles around The Rage…

While the Bangerters were calling Rondall out about Brooklyn’s Budget, the rest of the league was waiting for the next offseason to see the dynasty to fall. Omar Jefferson has started to fade and has a Monster contract. Kincaide’s ending contract would be almost impossible to extend, and super Mario Bailey was showing the effect of the years played at the highest level. It was a matter of time, at least we thought that, because


…But Rondall makes his move (in fact, two)

Rondall is a winner for a reason (well two, but we cant talk about the genetic training camp only applicable to Brooklyn’s players). He always finds a way to get what he needs. Financially, he was in a bad place, as he was expected to lose some core players like Kincaide, while having to swallow Omar Jefferson´s contract. In a 24 hours span, both problems are not in Rondall´s hands. First, he traded Jefferson to Kansas City basically for Ed Rhodes and Anthony Gleason. Both players are really capable to be very good role players and they provide some cap relief. The reason for an experienced manager like Dave Williams to absorb such a salary is not clear.

Not happy with that (well, you know, he was jumping full of joy), the Rage traded Dan Kincaid basically for Trenton Adams. While Adams is a pair of seasons away from being a pair of seasons away from contributing, Rondall has demonstrated that he knows how to develop young players (I should not be talking about this). Especially this trade will make the Rage domination to stop, they still will be contenders, but the outcome is really open right now


Stars going to underperforming teams?

Darryl Whittaker going to the lousy Warriors? Really? That’s a big upset, and it was the first move of new GM Gustavo Follana. This signing makes Forth Worth relevant again

Then a pair of days later, the Tokyo Devils steal Abel Desbuisnes from Salt Lake City. None of those teams made the playoffs last season, now, you never know.


We have an early favorite to GM of the Year

Gustavo is a veteran manager, but when we all expected a calmed approach to develop a Young and promising core, he persuaded Darryl Whittaker to sign with the Warriors. It was clear that they needed to try to win as soon as possible. You can argue that trading the number 1 pick for Dan Kincaid in a contract year is a risky move, but that core is a foundation for a playoff team, so, resigning Kincaid is a real possibility. If they find a way to convert Curtis Starman into a competent point guard, they are a lock to be in the postseason.


Albacete (finally) has a floor general

The Burning Hell had a good collection of talented players, but most of them were forwards. The Lonnie Jordan drama did not allow us to see how far this team could go. For a pair of seasons, Fridrich Egg was spotted as the weak link. Egg, a talented player, did not show the leadership needed to accommodate all the pieces in the Albacete scheme. Only a handful of players met the criteria to lead the team. GM Alcaraz tried to go after Javonte Bolk, Jervan Timmons, Omar Jefferson(joke), Trevor Tomlin… There was a moment where Michael Askins seemed headed to Albacete, but finally it was Sherman Mahara the player going to Albacete. Mahara is an experienced point guard with the tools to dominate a game scoring or with his playmaking.


Preparing to dethrone Rondall Reynoso

With Brooklyn moving a step back to retool for the future, all of a sudden they look beatable. Maybe 4-5 teams think they can win it all this season.

Albacete traded for Sherman Mahara and now they have a real point guard to lead the team. Albacete has a lot of scoring options with Mahara, Dougherty, Lonnie Jordan, Claude Weidner, and Lazaro Hendricks capable of averaging 20 points this season. In an underrated move, Albacete signed as a free agent the defensive phenom Polikarp Dragunas

Boston Massacre: Mr. Lawrence has been really active. First of all they got Vitorino Pinelo, and then they improved, even more, their guard rotation trading Matias Gutierrez for Casey Pointer. They are not done trading, but Boston has a lot of options now.

Kansas City Blues has gone all-in trading for Omar Jefferson, will they regret?

California Fighting Cocks: Kurt Beck, Hassan Watt…can you smell the blood?



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